Series consists of correspondence between Michael Jull, Research Silviculturist, and potential contractors, regarding proposals for the 1993 and 1994 remeasurement of Aleza Lake Growth and Yield Permanent Sample Plots.
Series contains correspondence and various general information relating to the Aleza Lake Research Forest.
Series contains photocopied correspondence relating to climate monitoring stations.
File contains photocopied correspondence relating to climate monitoring stations.
File contains correspondence regarding logging in the Aleza Lake Research Forest from the Ministry of Forests.
File contains photocopies of timber sale contracts and general correspondence regarding timber sales between the Department of Lands and Forests and surrounding mills of the Aleza Lake Experiment Station.
File contains photocopies of timber sale contracts and general correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and Northland Spruce Lumber.
File contains timber sale contracts and related correspondence between the Department of Lands and the Northland Spruce Lumber Company.
File contains timber sale contracts and logging inspection reports for Eagle Lake Sawmill from the Department of Lands and Forests.
File contains photocopies of timber sale contracts and general correspondence between Olson and Bjorklund Sawmills Limited and the Department of Lands and Forests.
File contains logging inspection reports and timber sale contracts from the Department of Lands and Forests to Newlands Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts from the Department of Lands and Forests to the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts, logging inspection reports, and related correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts and logging inspection reports between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company.
File contains timber sale contracts and general correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts, logging inspection reports, and related correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains logging inspection reports, timber sale contracts, and general correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts and logging inspection reports between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains general correspondence and timber sale contracts between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts and related correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Thursday Lumber Company.
File contains timber sale contracts, logging inspection reports, and related correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains an original informational brochure on ecological reserves in British Columbia and correspondence relating to the transfer of the Aleza Lake Research Forest to a university research forest.
File contains minutes of Aleza Steering Committee meetings, and correspondence regarding various administrative concerns, including budget proposals.
File contains timber sale contracts and general correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company.
File contains timber sale contracts and related correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts and logging inspection reports between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains timber sale contracts, logging inspection reports, and related correspondence between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains general correspondence, timber sale contracts, and logging inspection reports between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited Limited.
File contains requests for cutting authority and correspondence relating to logging between the Prince George Forest District and Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited.
File contains correspondence and diagrams regarding potential harvesting of spruce beetle killed trees from Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited.
File contains correspondence between Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited, the Prince George Forest Region, and the Aleza Lake Steering Committee regarding cut blocks to be harvested, particularly trees that have been infested by the spruce beetle.
File contains diagrams of areas to be salvaged in the Aleza lake Research Forest and pre-harvest silviculture prescription reports from Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited.
File contains diagrams and maps of cutblocks from Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited.
File contains ecosystem treatment data sheets from Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited.
File contains minutes from Aleza Lake Steering Committee meetings, proposals to assume management of the Aleza Lake Research Forest, research project outlines and timelines, budget summaries, photocopies of management and working plans for 1992 to 2002, and related correspondence between the Steering Committee.
Series contains minutes from meetings, budget proposals, management and working plans, research projects and outlines, correspondence, and proposals to assume management over the Aleza Lake Research Forest from the Ministry of Forests.
File contains orginal and photocopied correspondence relating to silviculture field courses and graphs pertaining to volume and diameter changes.
Series contains research studies consisting of remeasurements in permanent sample plots.
File contains maps, working plans, and related correspondence.
File contains proposals and recommendations, and first and final drafts of 5 year working and management plans for 1991.
File contains a preliminary working plan from 1950.
File contains timber sale contracts, logging inspection reports, and related maps between the Department of Lands and Forests and the Fichtner Lumber Company Limited.
File contains a trail guide, a report on potential trail building, and related maps.
File contains a 1931 original copy of "The Aleza Lake Forest Experiment Station: A Brief Statement of its Purpose and Development". Includes photographs.
File contains a 1921 original copy of "The Talking Trees and Canadian Forest Trees" by James Lawler and the Department of the Interior Forestry Branch.
Item is "The Aleza Lake Experiment Station (1920's and 1930's)" by Ralph Schmidt and the British Columbia Forest Service.
File contains handwritten messages, photocopied invitations to a field tour, and related correspondence.
Item is "Cluculz Lake Silviculture Demonstration Area Trail Guide" by the BC Ministry of Forests.
File contains trail guide brochures, a 1931 original copy of the Aleza Lake Experiment Station statement of its purpose and development, and other forest related brochures and books.
Item is the BC Forest Service's "A Guide to Stand Treatment".