File contains photocopies of seedling measurement tables.
File contains original tables for soil measurements, a related photocopied draft report, and related photocopied handwritten notes.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 118.
File contains information, including measurement charts and a map, from experimental plot 150.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 103.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 119.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 115.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 116.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 117.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 292.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 45.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 112.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 106.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 107.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 291.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 113.
File contains information, including diagrams, measurement charts, and a map, for experimental plot 50.
File contains minutes from Aleza Lake Steering Committee meetings, proposals to assume management of the Aleza Lake Research Forest, research project outlines and timelines, budget summaries, photocopies of management and working plans for 1992 to 2002, and related correspondence between the Steering Committee.
Item is Ted Newbery's thesis proposal titled "Gap Dynamics in the Sub-Boreal Spruce wk1 Biogeoclimatic Sub-Zone: Spatiotemporal Patterns, Inonotus tomentosus, and Partial Cutting". He submitted his UNBC thesis in 2002 as "Small-scale disturbances and stand dynamics in Inonotus tomentosus infected and uninfected old-growth and partial cut wet, sub-boreal forests in British Columbia".
Item is a 3.5" floppy labelled "Aleza Lake Stem Map Data – AutoCAD Release 14 – Northline 1998". Floppy contains the following file: mofcopy.dwg.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest Management Compartments and Administrative Boundaries. Map is 1 of 6. Map shows the Aleza Lake Ecological Reserve, Natural Forest Reserve, the Special Management Area, and Riparian Management Research Area.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest Research Trials and Permanent Plots. Map is 2 of 6. Map shows permanent plot locations, historical timber sales areas, demonstration areas, and research plots.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest terrain themes. Map is 6 of 6. Map shows the following types of terrain units: typic, slope, percipitous, gullied, hummocky, rocky, alluvial, and organic. Ecosystem classification and mapping by Oikos Ecological Services Ltd.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows an Aleza Lake Research Forest TRIM Base Map. Map is 4 of 6. Map shows the following: roads, old roads, buildings, rail line, transmission line, definite streams, intermittent streams, indefinite streams, marshes, swamps, lakes, wooded area boundaries, intermediate contour lines (20m intervals), and index contour lines (100m intervals).
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest Terrain Resource Inventory Mapping (TRIM). Depicts roads, area boundaries, swamps, streams, marshes, contour lines and index lines.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest Access and Access Management. Map is 3 of 6. Map shows the following road types: all weather 1-lane gravel road, dry weather road, and proposed road access. Also shows areas for parking/turnaround, toilets, and information signs.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest ecosystems. Map is 5 of 6. Map shows many sub-types of the following ecosystem types: upland, lowland wet forest, wetlands, and the Bowron floodplain benches. Ecosystem classification and mapping by Oikos Ecological Services Ltd.
Map commissioned from Ministry of Forests Prince George Region from Madrone Consultants shows Aleza Lake Research Forest site series classification. Shows ecosystem types that encompass the SBSwk1 Subzone of the Aleza Lake Research Forest.
Map accompanies “Aleza Lake Research Forest Management and Working Plan #2 Draft #3”.
File contains correspondence regarding lack of funding for research projects between the Science Council of British Columbia and Mike Jull, Prince George Forest Region.
File contains a brochure, a 1993 solid waste management plan, a 1996 Forest Practices policy handbook, and a 1996 draft of the Prince George Land and Resource Management Plan.
File contains reports on soil rehabilitation projects and related correspondence, photocopied tables of soil measurements, and reports on machinery costs when tilling.
File contains 1996 charts of permanent sample plot remeasurements.
File contains correspondence relating to project funding and reports on the significance of the project.
File contains correspondence and diagrams regarding potential harvesting of spruce beetle killed trees from Northwood Pulp and Timber Limited.