Affichage de 674 résultats

Archival description
2002.14.3.13 · Dossier · 1995-1996
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of memoranda and correspondence relating to graduate students and tutorial assistantships; rules for oral examinations; photocopies of revised grades for a student; and a request for an assignment extension.

2002.14.3.15 · Dossier · 1996
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of memoranda addressed to and the curricula vitae of professors with a commitment to and proposed participation in the Master of Arts in Gender Studies at the University of Northern British Columbia and correspondence from the Graduate Studies and Research Committee at the University of Northern British Columbia.

Memorial University
2002. · Dossier · 1996-2001
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of research materials and notes on women faculty at Memorial University of Newfoundland, including handwritten notes, photocopied articles, newspaper clippings, photocopied archival materials, and related correspondence.

Methodology articles and other material
2002. · Dossier · Photocopied [between 1997 and 2006]
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of photocopies of methodology articles and conference proceedings, predominately on the topic of qualitative feminist research; correspondence relating to conference session proposals; the submission of a course syllabus to a journal; transcribed notes on methodology; and a book loan request.

Minorities in science
2002. · Dossier · 1991-1996
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of research materials concerning minorities in the sciences. Materials include photocopied newsletter, newspaper clipping from the Montreal Gazette on racial discrimination, a paper by one of Dr. Ainley's students, Dr. Glenda C. Prkachin's CV, printed images of landscapes and women on paper, and 2 overhead transparencies. Finally, file includes a collection of archival reproductions of photographs from Dr. Elinor Huntsman Manson's collection.

Minutes and other material
2002. · Dossier · 1994-1996
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of meeting minutes from "Critical Turning Points" meetings; statistical data on female engineers in Canada between 1941 and 1991; a midterm report from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science at Concordia University; a course description for "Teaching Gender and Science to Engineering Students"; and notes on "Critical Turning Points" interviewees.

Minutes and other material
2002. · Dossier · 2001-2002
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File contains material about Elizabeth Simcoe. It consists of photocopies of excerpts from publications and archival material with catalogue records attached, a bibliography and notes.

Minutes and other material
2002. · Dossier · [between 1994 and 2001]
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of minutes from "Critical Turning Points" meetings; lists of potential interviewees with graduation dates circled; inventories of taped interviews; a list of interview questions; a consent form for Erika Korbely; and a description of a video program, entitled, "Discovering Our Potential: Women in Engineering: An Inspiring Look at Non-traditional Careers for Women."

Minutes and other material
2002. · Dossier · 1996
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of correspondence from Ainley to Peta Tancred; memoranda and minutes for "Critical Turning Points" meetings; an article by Tancred and Gretchen G. Schirmer, entitled, "Women's Participation within Male Parameters: The Official Presence of Women in Engineering Associations"; 1941-1991 census data on women in engineering; and an excerpt on engineering from "the History of Higher Education in Canada" by Robin S. Harris.

Miscellaneous - 1993-1995
2002. · Dossier · 1993-1995
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of miscellaneous documents including research materials, handwritten notes, correspondence, and heavily annotated syllabus. Computer disk contains an annotated bibliography and bibliography on the role of native women and environmental knowledge.

Miscellaneous Australian research
2002. · Dossier · 2000-2003
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File includes research materials from and concerning Australia. File includes portion of work by Ainley, published Australian library newsletters, printed and photocopied research materials, and related correspondence and notes.

2002. · Dossier · 2001
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of catalogue records relating to books on Aboriginal women and interactions between Western women and Aboriginal women; excerpts from articles from museum websites about Mary Shaefer, including an excerpt from an article by Ainley; and excerpts from museum websites about First Nations beadwork and textiles.

Miscellaneous research records
2002. · Dossier · 1985-1995
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of records related it a variety of Ainley's research projects, including her application for the Women and Work Strategic Grant through Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and her research on Mabel McIntosh.

"More Than Just Numbers" material
2002. · Dossier · 1991-1995
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File contains material from a "More Than Just Numbers" conference on women in engineering held in Fredericton, New Brunswick from May 10-12, 1995. File consists of a directory of delegates; the papers and initiatives presented at the conference; a report, entitled, "Engineering Student Activities at the National, Regional and University Levels"; and a pamphlet from a previous "More Than Just Numbers" conference in 1991.

Morgan, Sally
2002. · Dossier · 2002
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of biographical information about Australian aboriginal artist and writer, Sally Morgan.

Mount Allison University
2002. · Dossier · [after 1980]
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of research materials and notes on women at Mount Allison University, including handwritten notes, photocopied archival materials, and photocopies from publications.

Moyal, Ann
2002. · Dossier · 2002
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of biographical information and research materials about Australian historian, Dr. Ann Moyal.

Muriel V. Roscoe
2002. · Dossier · 1986-2001
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of research materials and notes concerning Muriel V. Roscoe. File includes correspondence and interview transcript with Muriel Roscoe.

Nancy Turner
2002. · Dossier · 2001
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of photocopied pages from publications by Nancy Turner and biographical information about Nancy Turner.

Nancy Turner interview
2002. · Dossier · 2002
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of transcripts and notes from interview with Nancy Turner. File also includes news clippings regarding Nancy Turner.

National Research Council
2002. · Dossier · 1990-1993
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of research on women in the National Research Council of Canada. File includes CV, photocopied research materials, and handwritten notes.

Natural history Canada background
2002.14.5.08 · Dossier · 1999
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of photocopied research materials and promotional materials for Ainley's talk on "Gendered Careers: Women Scientists at Canadian Universities, 1890-1970" at McGill in 1999.

New Zealand sources
2002. · Dossier · [between 2000 and 2008]
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of business card of Roy L Montgomery at Lincoln University with extensive handwritten notes on the back concerning Richard Henry (1845-1928).

News cuttings
2002.14.2.5 · Dossier · 1976-2002
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of news clippings from newspapers, newsletters, bulletins, etc. where Ainley has been mentioned or has published a piece.

2002. · Dossier · [after 1996]
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of photocopied research materials and notes probably related to Ainley's research on transfer of knowledge from indigenous to westerners.

Norah Toole
2002. · Dossier · 1990-2006
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of research materials concerning the life and career of Norah Toole including archival research materials, notes, and related correspondence.

Norma Ford Walker
2002. · Dossier · 2007
Fait partie de Marianne (Marika) Ainley fonds

File consists of email correspondence and photocopied archival research materials regarding Norma Ford Walker.