Série 2009.6.01 - Photographs

Zona do título e menção de responsabilidade

Título próprio


Designação geral do material

  • Material gráfico

Título paralelo

Outra informação do título

Título(s) de declaração(ões) de responsabilidade

Notas ao título

  • Source of title proper: Title based on content of series.

Nível de descrição


Código de referência


Zona de edição

Declaração de edição

Declaração de responsabilidade da edição

Zona de detalhes específicos de materiais

Declaração de escala (cartográfica)

Declaração de projeção (cartográfica)

Declaração de coordenadas (cartográfica)

Declaração de escala (arquitetural)

Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)

Zona de datas de criação


  • 1937 - 2007 (Produção)

Zona de descrição física

Descrição física

750 photographs [30 cm of photographic material]

Zona dos editores das publicações

Título da editora

Títulos paralelos das publicações do editor

Outra informação do título das publicações do editor

Declaração de responsabilidade em relação à série editora

Numeração das publicações do editor

Nota sobre as publicações do editor

Zona da descrição do arquivo

Nome do produtor

(18 October 1932-)

Âmbito e conteúdo

Series consists of over 797 images related to Ms. Campagnolo’s personal and professional life. Images include personal photographs related to Ms. Campagnolo’s early years in Prince Rupert including her career in broadcasting and theatrical production as well as her political career and tenure as Lieutenant Governor. The bulk of the photographs relate to Ms. Campagnolo’s political career in federal politics including: 40+ images of Ms. Campagnolo’s First Political Campaign, as a Liberal Party Candidate for the Federal Riding of Skeena in 1974 including images of trips in June 1974 by then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Trudeau, as well as a visit by then M.P. Jean Chretien [later Prime Minister] to Northern BC to campaign for Campagnolo. As well it includes 40+ images of Ms. Campagnolo’s tours and events as Member of Parliament for the Skeena riding from 1974 – 1976; 60 + images of Campagnolo on Tours and Events as Minister of State, Fitness and Amateur Sport, 1976 – 1977 including images with Canadian politicians including former and future Prime Ministers: Pierre Trudeau, John Diefenbaker, Jean Chretien and John Turner; Canadian politicians Jean Sauve and Thérèse Casgrain, and Governor Generals Adrienne Clarkson and Michaëlle Jean; members of the British Royal Family including Queen Elizabeth II, international politicians and dignitaries including Pope Paul X, Donald Coggan, Archbishop of Canterbury, First Lady Rosalyn Carter, anthropologist Margaret Mead, Canadian media personalities including musician Leona Boyd. It includes 60+ images of Campagnolo’s international Ministry of Sport Tours including those of Cuba, 1977 – 1978 and the European Sports Tour with Team Canada (Hockey Canada), 1977 – 1978 as well 200+ images related to Campagnolo’s involvement in Ministry of Sport Events in Canada including images from the Commonwealth Games, Edmonton, held 3-12 August 1978 and the Canada Winter Games, Brandon, Manitoba, held 12-24 February 1979. The series also includes over 60 images of Campagnolo’s Post Political Office Activities (1979 – 1982) including activities in TV broadcasting and her involvement in the Canadian bid for the 1988 Olympic Games, her non-profit and volunteer activities including her involvement in a Canadian University Service Overseas (CUSO) mission, in North-eastern Thailand in 1980. Other images include 20+ images related to Campagnolo’s tenure as the President of the Liberal Party of Canada, 1982 - 1986 including Liberal Party Conventions and functions and including the official portrait of Iona Campagnolo as Liberal Party President, taken by noted photographer Yousuf Karsh, in 1986. Additional images in the series include 50+ images of Campagnolo’s Professional and Public Service, from 1987 - 1999 including CUSO and WHO missions by Campagnolo, images of Campagnolo receiving an Honourary Doctor of Laws at Brock University; 40+ images of Campagnolo in activities relating to her position as Chancellor at the University of Northern British Columbia 1992 – 2004 including her Chancellor Tours of the regions that UNBC serves and official portraits. The remainder of the photographic series consists of 60+ images relating to activities, ceremonies and events attended by the Honourable Campagnolo as Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, 2001 - 2007 including her Honour’s work on the Terrace Gardens, at Government House and images of Governor Generals Michaëlle Jean and Adrienne Clarkson’s visits to Government House, Victoria, in March 2006.

Zona das notas


Some photographs from this series have been returned to donor, thus some items are missing from numerical sequence.

Idioma do material

    Sistema de escrita do material

      Localização de originais

      Northern BC Archives & Special Collections

      Disponibilidade de outros formatos

      .Tiff & .Jpeg

      Restrições de acesso

      Due to the personal nature of some of the information captured in the records of The Honourable Iona Campagnolo, some of these files may be restricted in full or in part. Contact Archivist for details.

      Termos de uso que regem, reprodução e publicação

      Personal or academic use of photographic materials is welcomed under the standard fair use and educational use clauses of Canadian Copyright Law. Commercial use is, however, forbidden without the express permission of the copyright holder. For information on obtaining written permission from the copyright holder, please contact the Northern B.C. Archives and Special Collections.

      Instrumentos de descrição

      .Tiff & .Jpg

      Instrumento de pesquisa transferido

      Materiais associados

      Series is part of the Honourable Iona Campagnolo fonds.

      Materiais relacionados


      Descrição física

      Includes 65 negatives, 7 35 mm slides, 5 laser copies, and 2 contact sheets (30 images).

      Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

      Número normalizado

      Número normalizado

      Pontos de acesso

      Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

      Pontos de acesso - Locais

      Pontos de acesso - Nomes

      Pontos de acesso de género

      Zona do controlo


      Área de ingresso