Série 2001.26.1 - Photographic Material

Zona do título e menção de responsabilidade

Título próprio

Photographic Material

Designação geral do material

    Título paralelo

    Outra informação do título

    Título(s) de declaração(ões) de responsabilidade

    Notas ao título

    • Source of title proper: Title based on content of series.

    Nível de descrição


    Código de referência


    Zona de edição

    Declaração de edição

    Declaração de responsabilidade da edição

    Zona de detalhes específicos de materiais

    Declaração de escala (cartográfica)

    Declaração de projeção (cartográfica)

    Declaração de coordenadas (cartográfica)

    Declaração de escala (arquitetural)

    Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)

    Zona de datas de criação


    • 1963 - 1996 (Produtor)

    Zona de descrição física

    Descrição física

    • 5,360 photographs : col. and b&w.
    • 3,616 photographs : col. slides ; 35 mm.
    • 9,404 photographs : col. and b&w. negatives ; 35 mm and 5.5 x 5.5 cm.

    Zona dos editores das publicações

    Título da editora

    Títulos paralelos das publicações do editor

    Outra informação do título das publicações do editor

    Declaração de responsabilidade em relação à série editora

    Numeração das publicações do editor

    Nota sobre as publicações do editor

    Zona da descrição do arquivo

    Nome do produtor

    Âmbito e conteúdo

    The Photographic Material series consists of photographs, slides and negatives illustrating a wide variety of Northwood Pulp & Timber Ltd. operations and events, including but not limited to: employee service awards; N.R.A. (Northwood Recreation Association) activities; Northwood’s 25-year Anniversary celebrations held at Houston, Upper Fraser, North Central Plywood, Shelley, and Prince George Sawmills, as well as at the Northwood Pulp & Timber mill; silviculture and forest harvesting practices; sawmill and pulp mill general operations; logging camps; the building of logging roads and bridges; and Northwood’s own unique heavy equipment, such as the locomotives, the snowplow and the refurbished 1942 fire engine. Also included in this photographic collection are images documenting Northwood Pulp & Timber’s original construction (1964-65), and subsequent expansion (1980 – 1981); aerial perspectives; machinery details; employees at work, or receiving awards and certifications; corporate portraiture; office "spirit" events; corporate outreach activities such as open houses or public displays and demonstrations; and images depicting Northwood’s relationship with the community, such as donations of special reading equipment for the visually impaired, donations of food to the Salvation Army food bank, and corporate financial support for the University of Northern British Columbia.

    Zona das notas


    SLIDES: The colour slides had been arranged and identified by the creator according to a “slide inventory” established upon a numeric-subject coding system of primary, secondary and tertiary numbers referring to various subjects; for example for the subject “Pulpmill – General” a numeric code of “10-20” was assigned. This assignation could then be modified with a tertiary number such as “001” which would then refer specifically to “Pulpmill – General – Head Office”. In total, the creator had established 60 sets of corresponding subjects and primary/secondary coding, and 49 sets of tertiary numeric - subject coding. This numeric-subject coding system was maintained by the Archivist throughout the arrangement process and utilized, whenever possible, in the description process; evidence of which being visible in the on-line descriptive fields of “Scope & Content”, “Record No.” and “Notes”. PHOTOGRAPHS: There was no such inventory left by the creator(s) of the photographs which would ensure the maintenance of original arrangement and description, and no semblance of an identifiable record keeping system - except for the existence of several sticky back albums whose subject consisted of either Service Awards & Banquets or Pulpmill Expansion activities. As such, the decision was made to arrange the over 14,000+ photographs and negatives according to a broad subject listing similar to that created for the slides. The following nine primary subject areas were thus identified: "Awards & Certification"; "Special Events – Corporate"; "Special Events – Community"; "Employee Photos"; "Forest Centre"; "Woods Division"; "Wood Products Division"; "Northwood Pulp & Timber"; and "Miscellaneous".

    Idioma do material

      Sistema de escrita do material

        Localização de originais

        Disponibilidade de outros formatos

        Restrições de acesso

        Termos de uso que regem, reprodução e publicação

        Personal or academic use of materials is welcomed under the standard fair dealing and educational use clauses of Canadian Copyright Law. Commercial use is, however, forbidden without the express permission of the copyright holder. For information on obtaining written permission from the copyright holder, please contact the Northern B.C. Archives and Special Collections.

        Instrumentos de descrição

        Materiais associados

        Part of the Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd. fonds

        Materiais relacionados


        Nota geral

        Nota geral

        SLIDES: Assistance in the identification of the slides was graciously provided by 7 former Northwood employees who donated their time to this project over the course of a six month period in 2006. PHOTOGRAPHS: Most of the description captured per photograph is due to the efforts of a previous Northern BC Archives student assistant project, known as the "Northwood Photographic Collections Project". Through the efforts of this student, five former Northwood employees were brought together for numerous identification sessions over the course of a six month period in 2004. These descriptions were created and attached or filed with the identified images as appropriate and subsequently uploaded into this database by the Archivist in 2008.

        Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

        Número normalizado

        Número normalizado

        Pontos de acesso

        Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

        Pontos de acesso - Locais

        Pontos de acesso - Nomes

        Pontos de acesso de género

        Zona do controlo


        Área de ingresso