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2020. · Dossiê · Dec. 1983
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of the written personal reflections of Gary Runka for the "'Ten Years of Agricultural Land Preservation", December 1983.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"These personal reflections were prepared by GGR for publication in the ALC's document commemorating its 10th anniversary entitled "Ten Years of Agricultural Land Preservation". These reflections form pages 33 - 35 of this 61 page document.

The reflections portray the hectic start of the Land Commission's work but also inform us of GGR's role prior to becoming the Commission's first General Manager. As noted, "I had been extensively involved in drawing up the "suggested ALR plans" for the various regional districts while working with the Soils Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture." He then accompanied the Commission on their initial meetings with regional districts and local governments around the province.

The fact that GGR played a key role in developing the CLI mapping (an important basis of the ALR), then was involved with drawing up the suggested ALR plans, followed by his efforts as ALC General Manager to implement the Reserve plans, and finally sign off on the completed ALR plan map sheets, arguably makes Gary Runka, like no other person, the "Father of the ALR"."

Personal Records
2020.4.1 · Séries · 1953-2014
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Series consists of records relating to G. Gary Runka's personal life, including academic records, personal resume, and posthumous materials. Also includes Runka's personal correspondence during his time with the Agricultural Land Commission and memorabilia from his curling activities.

2020. · Dossiê · [June 1980]
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Overview: Planning for Rural Land" for the Canadian Institute of Planners Annual Conference in Kitchener, Waterloo. Includes newspaper clipping titled "A pathetic tale of two resources" from the Victoria Colonist, June 22,1980.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech is aimed at the "urban" planner who is planning in rural areas. While 'rural land' can encompass many things and there are only passing references to agriculture, the planning approaches and principles - like the need for the urban planner to view the world from the rural side of the fence - is often going to involve agricultural land.

Mention is made of integrated natural resource management and an emphasis is made on the planner understanding the rural perspective.

The comment (warning) is made that "...the rural land use tug-of-war between lifestyle pursuits, population demands and natural resource production will continue" - the message being that planning practitioners will probably find themselves in the midst of these tug-of-wars.

This paper clearly recognizes the challenges of introducing urban planning techniques into rural landscapes and provides some very valuable insights. While farmland preservation isn't central to this speech the rural resource and planning theme is relevant."

Optical Discs
2020.4.9.2 · Sub-séries · 1995-2013
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Series consists of digital records on optical disc media (CDs and DVDs) created or collected by Gary Runka and Joan Sawicki for personal and professional purposes. Includes computer back-ups, film documentaries, and digital publications on disc.

2020. · Dossiê · 2011
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

This CD-ROM contains digital records compiled for Gary Runka in relation to the OCP for Rural Graham Island, possibly for his consultancy work for client job 664, Misty Isles Economic Development Society's "Food Planning Presentations on Haida Gwaii" project or another Haida Gwaii based project. Includes correspondence, Canada Land Inventory maps for Haida Gwaii, the draft 2009 Official Community Plan for Rural Graham Island, Graham Island zoning documents, and population information for Graham Island and Tlell.

Notes for untitled speech by Gary Runka
2020. · Dossiê · [ca. 1975]
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of notes written by Joan Sawicki for an untitled pending speech by Gary Runka.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"Despite this being only 4 pages of rough notes, its focus on the initial work of the Commission and challenges of designating the ALR make it an historically important document.

For example it was initially thought the ALR would be guided by class 1 - 4 CLI ratings but this proved impractical in the north and range areas. An additional challenge was that parts of the province only had the benefit of 1:50000 mapping. This presented a very real problem for establishing the ALR.

One concern with this document is that because it is written in point form and consists of rough notes, it could be open to a degree of misinterpretation if not considered by an individual with experience in the administration of the ALR. For a much more refined statement on the B.C. Agricultural Land Preservation program and the designation of the ALR see Items [2020., 2020., and 2020.]."

2020. · Item · 1966
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Item is a copy of the "North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA)" presentation to Cornell University Water Resources Center, Ithaca, New York by Roland P. Kelly, Edward R. Trapnell, and Ralph M. Parsons Company.

Mount Boucherie orchards
2020. · Item · May 1968
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Slide depicts orchards surrounding Mount Boucherie. The Okanagan Lake and mountains can be seen in the background. Original slide index description: "Orchards & sunflowers from Mt. Boucherie."

Mission Flats
2020. · Item · May 1968
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Slide depicts Mission Flats from South East Kelowna. Photograph taken from an empty field and depicts a developed field and a wooden house. Mountains and the Okanagan Lake can be seen in the background. Original slide index description: "Mission Flats from SE Kel."

2020. · Dossiê · 1991-1995
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Floppy consists of G.G. Runka Land Sense Ltd. client file records for jobs.

Floppy directories and file listing:

  • 152REF
  • 306
  • 319TBL.CNT
  • 363LYN.FIL
  • 376WRK.PLN
  • 390
  • APP12
  • BCA1
  • COMM329
  • CR306
  • ED306
  • GEOL101
  • REF
  • REF306
  • TC101
2020. · Dossiê · 1991-1995
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Floppy consists of G.G. Runka Land Sense Ltd. client file records for jobs.

Floppy directories and file listing:

  • 152REF
  • 152REF.BK!
  • 306
  • 306.BK!
  • 319TBL.CNT
  • 363LYN.FIL
  • 376WRK.BK!
  • 376WRK.PLN
  • 390
  • 390.BK!
  • APP12
  • APP12.BK!
  • BCA1
  • COMM329
  • CR306
  • ED306
  • ED306.BK!
  • GEOL101
  • GEOL101.BK!
  • REF
  • REF306
  • TC101
  • TC101.BK!
2020. · Dossiê · 1995-1997
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Floppy consists of G.G. Runka Land Sense Ltd. client file records for jobs.

Floppy directories and file listing:

  • 346RESGN.LTR
2020.4.3.28 · Dossiê · 1995
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of various papers, communications, correspondence, pamphlets, and publications. Includes the following:

  • "Speaking Notes - Joan Sawicki, MLA, Parl. Sec. Georgia Basin Initiative to Planning 425 - Dr. Alan Artibise - UBC - September 20, 1995"
  • "Principles of Sustainability" (ca. 1995)
  • "Preliminary Working Draft of a Background Report on Agriculture and Sustainability in the Fraser Basin" by Wendy R. Holm (1996)
  • Agriculture and Sustainability in the Fraser Basin workshop materials from Fraser Basin Management Program
  • 1995 Fraser Basin Management Program Board Report Card
  • "Speaking Notes for Joan Sawicki, MLIA Burnaby-Willingdon & Parliamentary Secretary, Georgia Basin Initiative, "Peatlands for People": A Conference sponsored by the Burns Bog Conservation Society" (27 January 1996)
  • BC Mining Watch! Fact Sheets
  • A letter to Gary Runka from Burnaby RCMP regarding a marijuana cultivation report
  • Newspaper article "Views sought on land claims" by Joan Sawicki
  • Newsletters from the Valhalla Wilderness Society including updates on their local, boreal, and Spirit Bear campaigns
  • A letter from David Anderson, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
  • "Drinking Canada Dry: The Threat to Canada's Water under the Proposed Multilateral Agreement on Investment" by Wendy R. Holm
  • "Tulsequah Chief Mine Re-opening Project: Report and Recommendations of the Taku River Tlingit First Nation" (1998)
  • "1998 British Columbia Electoral Boundaries Commission" pamphlet
  • Correspondence and Runka's interview transcript for his participation in the UBC study "Building Consensus in a Complex World: A Study of the Theory and Practice of Participatory Multistakeholder Decision-Making" (1999)
  • Winter 1999 newsletter for the Northwest Institute for Bioregional Research in Smithers
  • "Knox McCusker: Dominion Land Surveyor" article from BC Historical News (Summer 1999)
  • SkyTrain development informational newsletter (Spring 1999)
  • Letter from Paul Sanborn to Gary Runka & Joan Sawicki (2002)
  • Email from Joan Sawicki to Bella Coola Valley residents regarding the Nascall Power Project
  • BC Hydro pamphlet about marijuana grow ops (2006)
  • Bella Coola Airport Dike Upgrade Referendum informational documents
  • Tweedsmuir-Wright Creek Crossing Rehabilitation and Flood Protection Plan
Maps & Oversize
2020.4.7 · Séries · 1965-2009
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Series consists of maps, technical drawings, and other oversize material collected by Gary Runka that are not associated with specific Land Sense Ltd. client jobs.

2020. · Item · Mar. 1981
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Item is an original copy of the "Manitoba Land Use Conference Proceedings" on March 11-12, 1981 in Winnipeg. Gary Runka presented on his paper, "Expanding Needs from a Finite Resource: The Necessity for Sound Land Use Planning".

2020. · Dossiê · 21 Aug. 1973
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the Agricultural Institute of Canada entitled "Managing Our Land Resources for Survival and Pleasure".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This speech is aimed at land use planning and planners, and GGR provides his definition of "ecology" which includes:
"...the basic characteristics of the land - its geology, soils, climate, vegetation, and animal life, including the devil that does the most damage, man. It also includes the interrelationships within these basic characteristics and of course this is where the word "complexities" comes in. There are no two places where these components combine in exactly the same manner and each ecological unit, if you like, is unique."

GGR mentions the importance of considering options.

This package includes a copy of the speech as well as a second, 2 page document, with the same title in which GGR is noted as 'Manager of the BC Land Commission'. This second document is largely a summary of the more formal speech."

2020. · Dossiê · Sept. 2009
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Managing Conservation Lands to keep Nature's Pulse Beating" for the BC Trust for Public Lands.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"GGR's was the opening address at the workshop. While this speech is focused on the issue of Best Management Practices (BMP), comments about the ALR are woven into the presentation. This copy of the speech appears to be a draft version and includes several hand-written amendments with some points crossed out.

In the opening, mention is made of the grounding that the 2008 document "Taking Nature's Pulse: the Status of Biodiversity in British Columbia" has provided the workshop.

This speech provides an historical overview of the broader provincial context of BMP's drawn from 40 years of GGR's experience. The following is a selection of his comments:

  • BMP's are part of the "tool kit" of policy and management mechanisms that have been experimented with over the decades to try to rationalize human economic activities with the needs of other species and overall ecosystem well-being.
  • Historically the 1960s and 70s Canada Land Inventory program that emerged from the Resources for Tomorrow conferences was a significant benchmark mapping land capability for agriculture, forestry, recreation, wildlife and waterfowl use (of which GGR was centrally involved).
  • Within BC, using the CLI, the 1973 Land Commission Act authorized the establishment of a provincial zone to protect those sacred lands with the biophysical capability to grow food.

One point was not used in the speech (crossed out). The speaking notes, however, include a reference to the Land Commission legislation originally having a complimentary conservation objective that had since been removed. GGR makes the point that still having the conservation function may have contributed positively to current struggles to preserve natural habitat. Regardless, it is noted that the concept of the ALR has been a unique, effective and, most importantly a lasting management practices tool for conserving lands identified as biophysically significant.

A further selection of points made:

  • We need to evolve BMP tools that are adaptable yet resilient in the face of changing knowledge, climate change and ever-evolving social priorities.
  • Traditionally, planning has been most associated with local governments in the form of official community, regional and neighbourhood plans and as an outgrowth of the ALR - Agricultural Area Plans.
  • Environment Farm Planning - by agreeing to engage in the conservation planning process, participating farmers and ranchers have qualified for funding to carry out farm improvements benefitting conservation and biodiversity.
  • The work of the Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust is outlined (p. 8)
  • "My final words of wisdom are - Be focused and be pragmatic"
  • "Many of the best intentions to standardize land management practices for conservation lands have been great on paper - but never quite make it on the ground."
  • And, if BMP are not implemented effectively on the ground, they cannot play the critical role they need to play in 'keeping nature's pulse beating'."
"Landscaped Buffer Investigation"
2020.4.4.33 · Item · 2000
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Item is a report entitled "Landscaped Buffer Investigation" a summary prepared by BC Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food for the Land Reserve Commission.

2020. · Dossiê · [June 1994]
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Landscape Level Planning - Fitting People into the Watershed" at the Stewarding Our Watersheds Conference.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The first half of this speech takes a very broad sweep in defining landscape units and the provincial planning system. In the second section "Entering the People Use Maze", the paper focuses more locally on the Salmon River watershed and discusses the findings of a survey associated with the Langley Rural Plan.

The survey results demonstrated that for both rural and non-rural residents in Langley, 'the country atmosphere' was why they had chosen to live in Langley. Residents also disagreed with the statement that it was unpleasant to live in an agriculture area.

The third section - "Techniques of Integrating Balanced, Sustainable People Use" into the Watershed" considers eight tools that will assist achieving "landscape level" planning, one of which is the ALC Act.

Besides these direct references to agriculture, country atmosphere and ALC Act; the Langley Rural Plan drew heavily on the survey that GGR refers to and the Plan, which was largely comprised of agricultural lands, was inspirational in the development of the Commission of work "Planning for Agriculture".

2020. · Item · 1969
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

Item is an original copy of "Lands of the East Kootenay: Their characteristics and capability for agriculture and forestry - Report to the B.C. Soil Capability for Agriculture and Forestry Committee", a co-operative interim report comprising sections and maps, compiled by G. G. Runka, Soils Division, BC Department of Agriculture. Other authors include J.R. Jungen, T. Lewis, J.R. Marshall, M.J. Romaine, J. van Barneveld, and U. Wittneben.

2020. · Dossiê · 1974
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Land Use Planning as it affects the Vegetable Industry".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"GGR gives this speech as a representative of the B.C. Land Commission and is directed at vegetable industry reps.

The ALR is mentioned a number of times and it is noted that only 1 - 2% of BC is suitable for vegetable production. Several examples (8) of pressures on agricultural land are given.

GGR draws his audience's attention to the impact of speculation when stating:
"Substantial capital gain from land development or speculation unfortunately can to some degree subvert even the best planning. .... Fortunately, this type of speculation is now on somewhat shaky ground because of the Land Commission Act in B.C."

The overall message is that vegetable producers should involve themselves in land use planning."

2020. · Dossiê · Jan. 1979
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka entitled "Land Use Planning and the Nursery Trades" to the BC Nursery Trades Association.

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"The primary thrust of the speech is to outline several pieces of legislation and other land uses that may have an impact on the nursery trade use of land including:

  1. Federal Fisheries Act;
  2. Municipal & regional district bylaws and plans;
  3. Agricultural Land Commission Act;
  4. Soil Conservation Act;
  5. Water Act and Floodplain Regulation;
  6. Forest and Range Acts; and
  7. Your neighbours changing land-use activities.

GGR comments (p 2) that, "...exclusion (of land from the ALR) is only allowed on lands not capable of agricultural use where no impact would be effected on adjacent farmlands, or where absolutely no alternative for the alternate use proposed exists." This clarifies that land in the ALR, even if it is proven unsuitable for agriculture, may remain in the ALR if its exclusion impacts adjacent farmland. On the other hand, pressure on the ALR is acknowledged where claims can be successfully mounted that no alternative exists for a proposed use, demonstrating the continual vulnerability of the ALR and the need to be able to clearly assess claims of "no alternative".

Foreshadowing the need for agricultural area planning, GGR suggests (p. 3) that it is important that, "... attempts be made to encourage local agricultural use planning so as to reduce conflicts within agriculture and with your urban neighbours."

2020. · Dossiê · 2 Mar. 1978
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the BC Provincial Seed Fair in Fort St. John entitled "Land Use Planning and the Farmer".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"Given the title and the audience, this speech reads like a wake-up call to farmers to pay attention to land use planning issues and get involved. Despite the available copy of the speech appearing as a draft the nature of the topic - farmers needing to get involved in land use planning - establishes a point that GGR obviously feels is important in the overall effort to preserve agricultural land.

The speech includes several examples of land use planning that can affect the agricultural industry including:

  • Rural zoning by local governments and the provincial ALR zoning;
  • Hydro-electric planning (a reference in all probability to Site C);
  • Preparation of regional, community and particularly settlement plans;
  • Industrial land development strategies;
  • Federal fisheries legislation;
  • Transportation planning;
  • Crown land lease proposals;
  • Water resources;
  • Various other land use initiatives involving wildlife habitat, open space recreation, historic and archeological sites; and
  • Taxation and assessment policy

Stapled to the original typed speech is a set of hand written notes (not copied) that are largely identical to the typed version. The typed version does have a few mysterious blanks but when checking the handwritten version the blanks may simply represent illegibility problems with the hand writing at the time of typing. Given these blanks, this may in fact have been a first draft of the speech with a cleaner copy typed up prior to delivery."

2020. · Dossiê · 29 Sept. 1976
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the Canadian Council on Rural Development entitled "Land Use Control".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is another important document.

GGR covers several points including a discussion of the impact of changes to rural areas from the food producer's perspective. He notes that local governments are not well positioned to effectively achieve farmland preservation - but there is a need for a coordinated approach.

The point is made that good rural planning depends on good urban planning.

A summary is made of efforts at rural planning and farmland preservation in other North American jurisdictions. An example is outlined of the complexity of overlapping land use controls and returns to a common theme - "merging the reality of land as a commodity with the ethic of land as a natural resource"."

2020. · Dossiê · 7 Nov. 1974
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File consists of a speech given by Gary Runka to the Agricultural Institute of Canada Land Use Committee entitled "Land Use Control and Jurisdictional Rights".

Commentary on this speech by Barry Smith of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands:
"This is a first draft position paper written by GGR was developed for the Agricultural Institute of Canada, Land Use Committee.

The paper notes that attitudes are shifting from land being considered as a commodity to considering land as a natural resource. There are several references to governmental relationships, the inability to count on local governments to preserve agricultural land and the need for a federal land use policy supporting farmland preservation.

The use of a zoning tool as an effective means to preserve agricultural land is explored. The paper makes a strong case for there being no legal need for compensating land owners for regulatory land use zoning.

Included with the package are two letters written by GGR (November 7,1974) sent to Jim Lore (Alberta) and Steve Hart (Ottawa) requesting their review of the paper and input. A copy of the finalized paper, which may have been a jointly authored paper, is not included and it is not known if the paper was eventually published by the Agricultural Institute of Canada."

2020.4.5.03 · Dossiê · 1978-2005
Parte de G. Gary Runka fonds

File contains a "Master Key" for geographical locations of G. Gary Runka Land Sense Ltd. client jobs located in the Lower Fraser Valley between Vancouver and Langley. The "Master Key" consists of an annotated book: "Soils of the Langley-Vancouver Map Area - Report No. 15 British Columbia Soil Survey - Volume 1 Soil Map Mosaics and Legend, Lower Fraser Valley (Scale 1:25,000)" by H.A. Luttmerding. The numbers adjacent to the annotated outlined areas are LSL client numbers, which not only provide a key to work locations within the region but may also assist in matching unidentified aerial photographs to corresponding client files.